may 07
System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 1)
Error with CSV data in "csv-table" directive: ',' expected after '"'
.. csv-table:: **Rectangle command in Emacs** :header: "Keystrokes", "Command name", "Action" :widths: 15, 20, 60 "C-x r k","kill-rectangle","Delete a rectangle and store it." "C-x r d","delete-rectangle","Delete a rectangle and do not store it." "C-x r y","yank-rectangle","Insert the last rectangle killed." "C-x r c","clear-rectangle,"Using spaces, blank out the area marked as a rectangle and do not store it." "C-x r o","open-rectangle","Insert a blank rectangle in the area marked." "C-x r r r","copy-rectangle-to-register","Copy rectangle to register r (where r is any character) ." "C-x r i r","insert-register","Insert rectangle from register r (where r is any character)." "(none)","delete-whitespace-rectangle","If a rectangle includes initial whitespace, deletes it, narrowing rectangle." "C-x r t string Enter","string-rectangle","Change contents of marked rectangle to string (if string is narrower or wider than rectangle, dimensions change accordingly)." "(none)","string-insert-rectangle","Prompts for string and inserts rectangle."
如果你曾经用过 UltraEdit 的 Column 编辑模式,应该会很喜欢 Emacs 的这个功能。
dirk 发表于 2007-05-07 Mondayemacs
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